5J Buena Vista
5J Buena Vista contains all the characteristics you look for in a great recreational tract that is managed for turkey and deer with planted food plots in place. The property also accommodates substantial timber value with future timber revenue.
- Approx. 506 acres high-quality recreational property located in Marion County, GA
- Approx. 32 miles to Columbus, GA; Approx. 4 miles to Buena Vista, GA; Approx. 140 miles to Atlanta, GA
- Approx. 1.94 miles frontage on Berginville Rd.
- Mature hardwood creek bottoms
- Approx. .3 miles on Kinchafoonee Creek
- Approx. .71 miles on Peacock Ditch
- In a neighborhood of adjoining large land owners
- Managed for turkey and deer with planted food plots in place
- Good roads throughout
- Rolling Topography
- Great soils
- Substantial timber value with future timber revenue
5J Buena Vista consists of approximately 506 acres of high-quality deer habitat managed for high-end deer recreational property managed by the same family for approximately 19 years located in Marion County, GA. 5J Buena Vista has been stewarded with a year-round feeding program, multi-season food plots, and selective timber manipulation used to create strategic bedding areas and travel corridors that produce a fantastic whitetail and turkey property. This combined with the recently updated timber and prescribed fire regime has taken this property to the next level. It has also allowed the wild bird quail population to begin expanding tremendously.
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Maps & Location
5J Buena Vista
- Approx. 506 acres high-quality recreational property located in Marion County, GA
- Approx. 32 miles to Columbus, GA; Approx. 4 miles to Buena Vista, GA; Approx. 140 miles to Atlanta, GA
- Approx. 1.94 miles frontage on Berginville Rd.
- Approx. .3 miles on Kinchafoonee Creek
- Approx. .71 miles on Peacock Ditch
- In a neighborhood of adjoining large land owners
5J Buena Vista Aerial Map
5J Buena Vista Topo Map
5J Buena Vista Location Map
The Kohler & Associates’
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