
Enon Plantation

Bullock County, Alabama4000± ACRES

Historic 4,000 Acre Quail Plantation with Breathtaking Vistas, World Class Hunting & Fishing, and Unsurpassed Value for the Recreational Dollar!

Tim James Jr.

Tim's Bio > Email Tim >

(334) 652-4517
Recently Sold
  • Established 4,000+/- acre Turn-key Hunting Plantation
  • One of the original Quail Plantations in Union Springs Area Plantation Belt
  • 50 Acre Enon Lake, 8 Acre Lake, & controlled duck impoundment
  • Perfect for large families or even for 3 or 4 families to share the amenities with their own 1,000 acres to hunt
  • Managed for wildlife for nearly a century with regular prescribe burning
  • Exceptional Trophy Deer, Turkey, Quail
  • 3 Established quail courses
  • Extremely diverse with every habitat type the South has to offer
  • Over 400 acres in Ag fields
  • 2600 additional acres available to lease
  • 3.5 miles of frontage along Cox Creek
  • Historic 1800's 4 bedroom antebellum home with commercial kitcehn
  • 6-bedroom Hunter's Lodge with commercial kitchen
  • 2 guest homes - 3 bedroom 2 bath
  • 3 - bedroom manager's home
  • 1800's dogtrot log cabin
  • 7 stall horse barn
  • Dog kennel
  • 2 slip boat house
  • Large equipment shop with concrete floor and 6 roll up doors
  • Deer processing facility with 2 walk in coolers
  • Conservation Easement on approx 3200 acres & enrolled in the RCW Safe Harbor Management Program
  • 10-minute drive to local airstrip & 40 minute drive to a Jet Strip with refueling in Eufaula
  • 45 minutes to Auburn, 1 hour to Montgomery, 2 hours to Atlanta airport

Enon Lake is a 50 Acre World Class Fishery and becoming exceedingly more unique and more valuable by the day as dam permits on large lake sites become increasingly rare!

At $1800 per acre for the Land Component, Enon is the Best Valued Turn-key Hunting Plantation on the market today!

Enon Plantation is a historic 4,000+/- acre hunting plantation located in the heart of Alabama’s Union Springs Area plantation belt. Once under the same ownership, Sehoy and Enon Plantation encompassed 25,000 acres. Unrivaled history and generational stewardship of the land marks Enon Plantation at the top of Alabama’s most treasured properties.

Much of the land was being farmed in this area up until the early 1900’s. It was outdoorsmen of prominent families that started buying up farmland and converting to quail plantations. Early settlers were drawn to the present location of Enon because of the abundance of water and fertile soils, and therefore they assumed the name Enon from the biblical reference to the location where John the Baptist baptized many because there was much water there.

The land has been managed the same way for the last 40+ years. Intense wildlife management and prescribed burning have created what many consider to be the very best quail, deer, turkey hunting in all of Alabama. The whitetail deer and turkey population at Enon is exceptional. The landscape is diverse with breathtaking rolling hills of broom sage beneath mature pine forest, 450+/- acres of meandering ag fields, and mature hardwood bottoms. There are 3 quail courses varying in size, 60 ac, 100 ac, and 280 acres and a large dove field. Very low hunting pressure has kept the game moving during daylight hours and its not uncommon to see 20-40 deer in one afternoon.  A 2600-acre hunting lease could be included totaling 6600 huntable acres.

Water resources at Enon are incredible with a beautiful 50+/- acre trophy bass lake, where its not uncommon to catch 7-10 lb pound bass. Across the property is another 8-acre lake with excellent fishing including massive 2 lb crappie. Over 3.5 miles of Cox Creek flows through the property providing good water and diverse habitat for wildlife as well as a 5-acre duck impoundment. 

The amenities on the plantation are excellent; complete with a true historic 4-bedroom plantation house built in 1840 that has been rewired and replumbed, an updated 6-bedroom Hunter’s Lodge, 2 guest cabins, a manager’s house, horse barn, equipment shops, dog kennels, and much more! This is the best layout I have seen for a few buddies and their families to share the amenities and have their own 1,000+/- acres of the best hunting land in Alabama for an unbeatable price!

When Jon Kohler coined the term Social Storm Properties, Enon Plantation is exactly what he was talking about.

Understanding the Investment

When one considers the time and cost to replicate even just the land and water components at Enon, it’s a non-starter. It would take years and upwards of 50% more per acre to replicate what is already done here at Enon. We sell Plantations across 4 southern states, and nothing comes even close to matching the dollar-for-dollar value found at Enon Plantation.

For those with an affinity for the sporting lifestyle, Enon Plantation checks every box for every season. As an investment, a hard asset hedge, and a Social Storm Property, Enon’s value is unmatched. It would be fool hearted to expect anyone to fully understand the feeling one gets when immersed in the raw beauty of Enon Plantation without experiencing it firsthand. Truly a legacy property & undoubtedly an opportunity of a lifetime.

For an exclusive look at Enon Plantation, contact Tim James at 334-652-4517.

“World Class properties are owned by those that capitalize on opportunities that come at the most inconvenient of times”. 

Understanding the Investment

Broker’s Comments

  • At $1800 per acre for the Land Component, Enon is the Best Valued Turn-key Hunting
    Plantation on the market today! We sell Plantations across all 4 Plantation belts, and I
    can tell you nothing even comes close in comparison.

    Tim James, Jr.

The Kohler & Associates’

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