
Lake Hatchineha Ranch

Polk County, Florida1620± ACRES

This ranch will redefine what you think a high quality Central Florida recreational ranch looks like – It more accurately compares to some of America’s Finest Recreational Trophy Properties

Jon Kohler, JD

Jon's Bio > Email Jon >

(850) 508-2999
Recreational Land Broker of the Year 2022

Erica Kohler

Erica's Bio > Email Erica >

(850) 459-8733
  • 1,620± Acres in Polk County, Florida - One of the Finest Trophy Ranches and Social Storm® Properties in Central Florida
  • Bordered on three sides by conservation land - No development allowed anywhere around the property - Essentially buying nearly 12,000 acres of privacy
  • 6 Miles of Eastern boundary is the 7,156 acre Catfish Creek Preserve State Park owned by the South Florida Water Management District to protect one of the central Florida's most beautiful lakes, Lake Hatchineha on the Kissimmee river chain
  • 4.25 Miles of Western Border is the 4,786 acre Nature Conservancy Mitigation Bank, which is home to the headwaters of the Everglades
  • 12 artesian wells throughout property with consistent and strong pressure
  • Previous sod farm on 351± acres of laser-leveled ground with irrigation canals and drainage
  • Currently holding nearly 400 cattle, but has a higher holding capacity
  • Entire Ranch is well fenced for cattle with highly improved pastures & rotational grazing and moving - most fencing new
  • Exceptional numbers of Osceola Turkeys, Trophy Whitetail Deer, wild hogs
  • Heavily managed for wildlife & recreation
  • Excellent water attributes - artesian wells, great drainage
  • Deep-water canal access to Lake Hatchineha
  • Adjacent to the 6,665-acre Lake Hatchineha - Right to build a dock on the premier recreation and fishing lake within the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes
  • Dichotomy between relaxation, safety and privacy versus amenities and high-energy from one of the world's premier travel destinations
  • Redefines the definition of a Trophy Ranch – Once Part of the well-known Central Florida Stokes Ranch, This Ranch was Created by selectively carving out only the finest ranch lands -What remains today is the Best of the Best Land that was kept!
  • Managed with prescribed fire
  • One of the purest examples of “Old Florida”
  • New horse barn with 8 stalls, tack and equipment room
  • The most private ranch in Central Florida - privacy and seclusion behind security gate
  • Fantastic road system throughout property
  • Located near the epicenter of capitalism in Florida – Orlando – One of Top Tourist Destination in the world
  • Humble main lodge
  • Beautiful palm hammocks, oak hammocks, cypress heads, pines, palmettos, flatwoods, and sawgrass marshes
  • Great location on flyway with Natural duck habitat marshes with additional locations to add floodable ponds
  • Property under lenient conservation easement
  • Just 45 minutes from the Disneyland other theme parks
  • Easy access to either Atlantic or Gulf Coasts of Florida
  • Quick drive to some of the finest golf in the nation
  • 24 miles to I-4 corridor
  • 59 miles to Southbound Turnpike
  • 20 minutes to grocery stores, restaurants and shopping along US27
  • 1 hour to Orlando International Airport

Bordered on three sides by conservation land - No development allowed anywhere around the property - Essentially buying nearly 12,000 acres of privacy

This Recreational Ranch has a mix of it all; Trophy Whitetails, Turkeys, Cattle, Sod Farm, Fenced, Water, Lodge, Barns, Privacy, Convenient to Town, and Beautiful palm hammocks, oak hammocks, pines, palmettos, and flatwoods

"If author Patrick Smith gave out A Land Remembered Award for a property that exemplifies everything that is pure and right, this ranch would get it hands down." Jon Kohler

Almost secretly tucked away along the edge of Lake Hatchineha, is a 1,620 acre private ranch that is the culmination of years of strategic planning on how to save one of Central Florida’s last most beautiful natural ecosystems. Long heralded as the “Headwaters of the Everglades” and famed Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, this area between the western shore of Lake Hatchineha and Lake Wales Ridge is unique to all of Florida. Lake Hatchineha Ranch is the signature ranch. 

Whether it is described as a recreational trophy property or more subtly a ranch, Lake Hatchineha Ranch is undoubtedly one of the best remaining examples of Central Florida’s once pristine ecosystem. In addition, it is the core and dominant property in this region, as further evidenced today by its curiously irregular shape. Once a portion of the well-known Stokes Ranch, visionary landowners of the past preserved the best of the best which is now this ranch as they sold off the edges in part of what is now the 7,156 acre Catfish Creek Preserve State Park and 4,786 acre Nature Conservancy Hatchineha Ranch Mitigation Bank.  This ranch is now bordered on three sides by conservation land.  While one only has to pay for 1,620 acres, the way this ranch was carved gives it the privacy and seclusion even few 10,000-acre ranches can command. The entire western boundary is 4.25 miles of the Nature Conservancy Hatchineha Ranch Mitigation Bank and its views permanently remain in its natural state. It cannot be developed, altered, not even a shed can be added. Alternatively, the entire eastern boundary is 6 miles long and protected as the Catfish Creek Preserve State Park, of which there is no public vehicular access. 

“Not long ago, this ranch was slated for 5,000 homes and destined to be a sprawling development with conservation neighbors as an amenity. It would easily sell for upwards of $12,000 per acre.  Today, this ranch too is protected, forever solidifying 13,562 contiguous acres of Central Florida’s last best habitats. In addition, one can purchase this property for half of what it would bring unprotected and at commensurate prices for what similar conservation properties in both the Red Hills and ACE Basin are currently trading for.”  - Jon Kohler

Today, when you are on this property and 97% of the neighboring property lines are permanently managed for habitat, one can thank many of the private landowners, NGO’s, and conservation groups that made this happen. As far as the location goes, it’s an anomaly. While it’s “The” most private ranch in Central Florida, at the same time it’s only 28 miles as the crow flies to the Disney’s Magic Kingdom and Orlando itself with every type of entertainment, professional sports, hospitals, and services imaginable. 

“The classic dream, usually found out west, is to find a private ranch in the middle of thousands of acres protected land that will always remain pristine and never be developed. Who would have thought the same thing would exist thirty miles from the Magic Kingdom.”  - Jon Kohler

It would be hard to argue that God didn’t spend extra time creating this ranch. The beauty here is immeasurable and 100% “Old” Florida. From the outreaching live oak and cabbage hammocks which are absolutely pristine, to the big beautiful sunrises over the productive hay fields, everything here is spectacular. What it isn’t is “New” Florida with a worry that any day the neighbors will sell out for $12,000 per acre and the wildlife and views are replaced by urban sprawl. For this reason too, this ranch is very unique.

Given the fact this ranch too will never be developed, 100% of the energy goes into managing for wildlife and recreation; the habitat here is world-class and game is drawn here from miles around. Osceola Wild Turkey populations are off the charts. Whitetail Deer here score higher than anywhere else in the region due to maturity, nutrition, and lack of hunting pressure. Traditional Florida wild hogs are as prolific here as any ranch. Numerous wetland marshes on the ranch provide great waterfowl habitat. Nearby Lake Kissimmee is historically one of Florida’s best waterfowl flyways. This property has served as a retreat and Florida hunting headquarters for the Outdoor Dream Foundation, which connects kids and families suffering from chronic or terminal illness with the outdoors. Not a single kid has left the Ranch empty handed.

The Social Storm® attributes of privacy and security here are simply unmatched. With 1,620 acres deeded and the additional buffer provided by the conservation land surrounding the property, social distancing is a breeze. To put this place in perspective, the privacy here is unmatched. At 1,620 acres, almost twice the size of Central Park, yet only one family uses this ranch, not 12 million. The current lodge is located in the center of the property, with additional lodge sites throughout the property. The main entrance is protected by a security gate located on Lake Hatchineha Road.

A Social Storm® Ranked Property:
Lake Hatchineha Ranch and it's Social Storm® Property Attributes are Highly Ranked. This Social Storm® property belongs to a unique asset class with key property attributes that investors gravitate to for safety in bad times and buy for a recreation reward in good times.
Why choose a Social Storm® Property?

“Its Social Storm® score is the highest we’ve ever recorded for a Florida ranch. If times are good this ranch is awesome. If times get worse there isn’t a better, more secure property to simply lock the gate and let the world roll on by.” - Jon Kohler

The ranch is currently holding nearly 400 cattle, but has a higher holding capacity. This area is one of the most competitive cattle markets in the South. Depending on cattle program annual sales of around $200,000+ should be expected.  The farming infrastructure here is in immaculate shape and well capitalized, as evidence of new fencing and state of the art travel lanes. The highly improved pastures are configured for rotational grazing throughout the property. Prior landowners have done an excellent job balancing drainage and habitat. It’s a role model property for its ability to move water. Having the ability to store wealth in cattle and with multiple nearby markets make this a very liquid investment. 

As many say, water is the new oil, and this property has struck the jackpot. Just beyond the eastern neighbor is the 6,665-acre Lake Hatchineha, one of the seven lakes in the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes. Known for the water quality, great hunting and fishing efforts, these lakes provide great recreation and enjoyment. The lake even creates a microclimate providing for a cooling breeze off the lake. The ranch has riparian access to the lake through the water management district property and is accessible by gate. A dozen artesian wells provide consistent and strong water pressure throughout the property, and are utilized to provide water to the herd. Unlike many other ranches in the region, rainwater flows off the property quickly and efficiently.

Ranches of this caliber are dwindling and becoming harder and harder to find. Many similar properties are State Parks and can never be owned. All it takes is one bad landowner in history, and all of the legacy, all of the beauty you see here is lost forever. There is only a few ranches really left in Florida and across the south that can hold a candlestick to a property like this. And this one is at the top.

Co-listed with Maury Carter & Associates

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Broker’s Comments

  • “This property is certainly valued higher than typical cattle ranches in the area, as it
    should. Although tradition calls it a ranch it more accurately compares to some of America’s
    finest hunting plantations and recreational trophy properties.”

    -Jon Kohler

The Kohler & Associates’

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