
“For those that recognize their lands are special and unique and deserve to capture the power of a firm whose entire existence is to serve landowners like you.” – Jon Kohler


You’ve owned and cherished your property. Now it’s time to hand off to another land steward and it’s time to harvest the financial rewards. Aside from when you bought it, this is the most important decision you can make for your property and your legacy. For the most part, these properties provide great recreation and modest returns during the hold. To make this market niche work, we must be able to command a premium for these properties at the time of sale. From land knowledge and worldwide marketing, to detailed mapping and market knowledge, no other firm is destined to provide you the negotiating and buyer knowledge to get you the highest price and sell your property quicker than we do. There isn’t a broker in America that wouldn’t want to take a listing on one of these properties and try their hand, but there isn’t another firm that provides the service, consistent sales, and worldwide reach to this niche that we offer our clients.

The old adage “The best indicator for future performance is past success” is as true as ever. When looking for a professional to represent you we hope that you too capitalize on the opportunity as other successful landowners.

  • Commanding success serving landowners who share a passion for fine land
  • 33 Years dedicated to developing this niche into what it is today
  • More than 349,996 acres of high quality property sold since 2010 alone. No other brokerage comes close
  • #1 Plantation and High-Quality Properties website. Since we launched in 2006 our website has been regarded as the “go-to” plantation and high-quality land site in the South. Our newest site is ranked as one of the best land sites in the country
  • Co-Founder, Board Member, and past Vice President of LandLeader, the Largest Land Marketing Company in America which has closed $4B in real estate in the first four years as a start-up
“It’s Important That When You Hand Off the ‘Baton’ to Someone Else That Both Your Financial Based Expectations and Handoff of the Land to the Next Owner are Met.”
– Jon Kohler
  • Unparalleled buyer Rolodex – after specializing in the plantation niche for three decades, we have the Rolodex and respect it takes to get transactions closed
  • Named one of America’s Best Brokerages for the 14th year in a row!
  • We are recognized as leaders in this niche; named “The Plantation Broker” by Garden & Gun, “The Plantation King” by Deep South Magazine, & “Man of the Land” by Vires
  • We spend 100% of our time representing and advising the high-quality land market
  • Credited among peers for turning Plantation brokerage into a respected profession
  • “It takes a whole team…an entire firm whose DNA is singularly focused to produce the most expansive marketing the likes of which this niche has never seen before.” – Jon Kohler
  • Jon Kohler was Named the 2022 National Broker of the Year for Recreational Land
  • Jon Kohler was Named the 2023 Region 10 Broker of the Year for Recreational Land & a 2023 Top 20 National Producer

There Isn’t Anyone Else in the Country Who Markets High
Quality Land Better than We Do . . .

“As brokers I don’t think there is any doubt we have the best following of buyers in this field. However, we aren’t going to leave any stone unturned and we are going to put our clients properties in front of them over and over again from multiple angles and persuasive techniques. That’s just what has to be done in today’s distracted environment.” – Jon Kohler
Sell With Us
  • No Brokerage in the History of Land Sales has the Marketing Power, Reach and Influence
  • We are Co-Founders of The Largest Land Marketing Company in America, LandLeader
  • $1.2M Combined marketing budget for our properties
  • 500 million brand impressions annually includes a strong Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns, constant (SEO), etc.
  • Our Properties are syndicated to over 1,000 real estate websites
  • Banner Advertisements, Magazine advertisements, Direct Mail targeted to buyers for your property
  • We have a National Magazine – over 100,000 distribution and 230,000 readers.
  • Tradeshows – Booths at important industry shows such as Dallas Safari Club International Convention, SCI, Ag expos, International Sportsmen’s Expos, Southeastern Wildlife Expo, and more promoting your property.
  • We Create Custom Property Videos for our properties as well as robust photography shoots
  • Social Media Marketing for your property.
  • Generates annually over $600,000 in public relations exposure
  • Add – Custom email marketing to our highly qualified buyer “Rolodex”

Specialty Areas



Deer in field

High Quality
Recreational Property

Jon next to a high fence


cattle and hay bales

Cattle Ranches &

River with tree canopy

Conservation Land

Beautiful House

Land with
Significant Homes

Map with magnifying glass

Higher and Better
Use Property

Pine trees

Timberland &
Investment Grade

It’s All about One Concept

Everything about our firm, from co-founding the largest land marketing company in America to closing more than closing more than 347,410acres since 2010 alone, is about this one concept. At the time of the sale, make sure the landowner is rewarded for his good land stewardship and the buyer appreciates and honors the legacy of the seller and those who came before him. High quality land is a separate asset class and valued differently with a complex host of intrinsic values. Separate this high quality land from other land and then offer it together (critical mass) from a position of strength and advocacy for all landowners. The world is increasingly distracted by technology and hobbies we couldn’t dream up a week ago. In order for the lifestyle that we cherish and land that we love to continue, it is imperative that we demonstrate the financial, intrinsic, and lifestyle rewards of owning such land. Eventually, even the most family cherished properties will be sold. Our job is to be the “gatekeepers” and when it’s time to sell, to make sure that the landowner is rewarded financially and we have buyers willing to pay a premium and be good land stewards themselves.

Jeep Scrambler

“We are only as good as our last deal and pray every day for the wisdom to give the best real estate advice to our clients, treating each property as if it were our own.”
– Jon Kohler

It’s All about One Concept

Everything about our firm, from co-founding the largest land marketing company in America to closing more than 277,000 acres since 2010 alone, is about this one concept. At the time of the sale, make sure the landowner is rewarded for his good land stewardship and the buyer appreciates and honors the legacy of the seller and those who came before him. High quality land is a separate asset class and valued differently with a complex host of intrinsic values. Separate this high quality land from other land and then offer it together (critical mass) from a position of strength and advocacy for all landowners. The world is increasingly distracted by technology and hobbies we couldn’t dream up a week ago. In order for the lifestyle that we cherish and land that we love to continue, it is imperative that we demonstrate the financial, intrinsic, and lifestyle rewards of owning such land. Eventually, even the most family cherished properties will be sold. Our job is to be the “gatekeepers” and when it’s time to sell, to make sure that the landowner is rewarded financially and we have buyers willing to pay a premium and be good land stewards themselves.
Jeep Scrambler

“We are only as good as our last deal and pray every day for the wisdom to give the best real estate advice to our clients, treating each property as if it were our own.”
– Jon Kohler

National Spokesman for Landowners, Conservation, and the Land Stewardship Ethic

Named a Land Report Top 100 Brokerage Firm for 14 Years Straight

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