Featured Properties View All Properties
Triple Creek Plantation
Deerwood Plantation
Cedar Lodge
Island Bungalows: Blacks Island
Maxfield Plantation
Bishop Hill Plantation
Brookfair Plantation
Kissaway Plantation
Ross Hammock Ranch
Chadwick Farm
Triple Creek Plantation
Deerwood Plantation
Cedar Lodge
Island Bungalows: Blacks Island
Maxfield Plantation
Bishop Hill Plantation
Brookfair Plantation
Kissaway Plantation
Ross Hammock Ranch
Chadwick Farm
Triple Creek Plantation
Preserving Land, Lifestyles, and Legacies Since 1991
Creating a specialty niche where there wasn’t one before, Jon Kohler & Associates is the South’s leading authority on quail plantations, ranches, high-quality properties, and Social Storm® Properties. Born from a passion for conservation 33 years ago, the firm is immersed in their role as the servant leaders in this niche from sales, marketing, management, and valuation of these unique properties. If you are a good land steward or desire to be one, we are going to help you accomplish your goals. We live the lifestyle as spokesmen and advocates for conservation with a television show reaching 1,000,000 viewers per episode and with an educational website used as the “go to” high quality land site since 2006. Serving on the Board of Directors and Vice-President of LandLeader, the largest land marketing company in America, gives our clients cutting edge, world-wide marketing exclusive to them. Our “Rolodex” or following of prospective buyers and industry contacts is unmatched in the South. We have been entrusted and closed the largest sales in this niche including the record breaking $142,000,000 Rock Creek sale. Since 2010 alone, we have closed 347,410 acres and $1.475B
We carry inventory of only the finest, most unique properties. What we do for this niche works. Not your typical brokers…our philosophy is that our unique role is to encourage conservation and stewardship through maintaining a national market and host of buyers who recognize the value of our clients unique lands. The value our team brings during bearish or bullish times is unmatched marketing, knowledge, and landowner dedication the likes of which have never been seen in this niche. If you love land, we invite you to contact us and see how we can help you to accomplish your goals.
Achieving National Attention for Our Landowners View All Press
April 2024
May 2024
November 2022
Social Storm®: Perhaps the Perfect Hard Asset
Nearly a decade ago, we developed our Social Storm® program to help investors buy and sell properties that exemplify the self-sufficient, independent living that is the basis of freedoms that made this country great.
These are properties that investors gravitate to for safety in bad times and buy for a recreation reward in good times. As a combination of high quality recreational properties, agricultural properties, as well as hard asset storage abilities, these properties are perhaps the perfect land investment.

Sharing Our Knowledge of the
Most Unique Land in the Southeast
The Leading Authority on High Quality
Properties in the Southeast
Social Storm®: Perhaps the Perfect Hard Asset
Nearly a decade ago, we developed our Social Storm® program to help investors buy and sell properties that exemplify the self-sufficient, independent living that is the basis of freedoms that made this country great.
These are properties that investors gravitate to for safety in bad times and buy for a recreation reward in good times. As a combination of high quality recreational properties, agricultural properties, as well as hard asset storage abilities, these properties are perhaps the perfect land investment.

Sharing Our Knowledge of the
Most Unique Land in the Southeast
The Leading Authority on High Quality
Properties in the Southeast