
Aucilla River In-Holding

78 acres with Half Mile of High-Banked Frontage on the Aucilla River In the middle of hunting plantations

  • 78.3 acre Recreational Riverfront Property Jefferson County, FL
  • Half a mile of high banked river frontage on the Aucilla River
  • Mature Natural Loblolly Pines, Pristine Live Oak Hammocks, Great Park-Like Open Hardwoods
  • One of the most outstanding Privately Held Tracts on the Entire Aucilla River
  • Sandwiched Between Two Large Plantations Including the Famous Turkey Scratch Plantation
  • Ultimate in Insurance and Providing for Family & Friends
  • End of the Road, Perfect Off -Grid Getaway, Super Secure Area with No Neighbors
  • One of the Most Secure and Perfect Places in North Florida & South Georgia for a SHTF Scenario
  • Live Oak Hammocks and Plantation Pines
  • Privacy, Security, and Independence
  • Most Neighbors are Also Under a Conservation Easement So this Area will Remain Pristine
  • Exceptional Hunting for Deer, Turkey, and Wood Ducks
  • Exceptional Fishing Since Little-to-No Public Access to River
  • Property Taxes are Zero Since it's Under a Conservation Easement Even Though One House and Barns are Allowable in the Future
A Sought-After Area:

Some of the oldest known evidence of human habitation in North America is documented in the Aucilla River in what is internationally known as the Middle Aucilla Project. Located on the border of both the Apalachee and Timucuan nations, it was a central trading area and the site of two of the original Spanish Missions. In the 1620's it was the ranch of the first Governor of Florida and many believe was one of the first wheat fields in the new world. This area has been highly sought after by conservationists and sportsmen alike. Between the state holdings and Federal refuge, the vast majority of the Aucilla River and adjacent coastline on the Gulf of Mexico is forever preserved. Aucilla River In-Holding is one of the few privately held properties on the entire Aucilla River basin area. The Tallahassee/Thomasville quail belt, also known as the Red Hills, runs from the Aucilla River basin to the east and the Ochlocknee River to the west. This unique concentration of quail plantations is world renown. Since 1888, wealthy individuals have sought out land in this area for its beauty and ability to produce quail. Today, the Red Hills contain the largest contiguous group of private landholdings in the country and a who's who among famous landowners and wealthy businessmen.

The Deal:

It is practically impossible to recreate the recreational experience and value for any less money. The challenge is that this $300,000 riverfront investment will likely outhunt and out enjoy most people’s $1.5M properties. Also, unlike most properties of this size and price, the food plots, roads, and trails are intact and little needs to be done. A property of this size is in the sweet spot of the super-wealthy wanting to pick up another entertainment venue with unique frontage on the exclusive Aucilla River or the person that wants to own as much recreation for the dollar.

The Location:

35 minutes east of Tallahassee off Apalachee Parkway near Lamont in the middle of three major landholdings; Turkey Scratch Plantation (Foster), Three Creeks(Davidson), and Reams Family Holdings (Reams). SRWMD also has holdings in the area. The Aucilla River runs for a half mile through the property.


Because acreage on the Aucilla River is almost impossible to find at any price. For less than $1M, it is impossible to find a recreational property with this many attributes anywhere, much less on a great river. This is also the perfect “Social Storm™” property. This is the perfect place to have an Off the Grid cabin. If the world becomes a better place, this property becomes a better investment, but if the world becomes worse, this property becomes a great investment. Otherwise, it’s a super beautiful and fun place to hunt. This property is the perfect hedge.

Conservation Easement:

Like over 50% of the plantations in the Red Hills, and most properties on the Aucilla River, this property, too, has a conservation easement on it. The restrictions are minimal. One house, barn, outbuilding, etc., can be built on it and the property cannot be subdivided. The hardwoods along the river cannot be clear cut (not that anyone would want to). In exchange, the property taxes are zero and the purchase price is lower than a typical riverfront property.


Broker has an ownership interest in the LLC that owns the property.

A Social Storm™ Property

Aucilla River In-Holding is considered a Social Storm™ Property, a term we trademarked to identify unique properties that investors gravitate to for safety in bad times and buy for a recreation reward in good times. What makes a Social Storm™ Property so unique?


Jon Kohler, JD

Recreational Land Broker of the Year 2022

Email Jon > Jon's Bio >

(850) 508-2999

Erica Kohler

Email Erica > Erica's Bio >

(850) 459-8733

Broker's Comments

  • We have heard about this hidden riverfront property for decades and are proud to be
    associated with it. Located in the middle of several hunting plantations, including the famous Turkey
    Scratch Plantation, it is literally at the end of the road and is the perfect
    spot for a cabin. It would be hard to find a property of its size
    more private or loaded with more game. With a half mile on both sides of
    the Aucilla River, it is also one of the most incredibly beautiful properties in North

    Jon Kohler

Land & Wildlife

Video Gallery

Maps & Location

Aucilla River In-Holding

  • 2,763 feet (.52 miles) High Bank Frontage on both sides of the Aucilla River
  • Located in the Exclusive Plantation Neighborhood Just 35 Minutes East of Tallahassee
  • Just East of Ted Turner's Avalon Plantation and a Who's Who of High Net Worth Landowners
  • Located off US HWY 19 just 35 minutes east of Tallahassee and 40 minutes south of Thomasville.

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Location - Red Hills Map

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Turkey Abundance Map

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Whitetail Deer Statewide Rut Map

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